I’ve not updated this blog for a long time. I am still using
the Nouvo LC though. I got a little frustrated by the fact that this little
scooter was giving me a little frustration which cannot be solved for months.
It can be started easily, it accelerate fine, it never died
on the road but it jerks when your try to accelerate from a speed of around
80-90km/h. It was making you very uncomfortable and nervous when trying to take
over other slower vehicles during you ride.
I tried many things. Went for a service, change the engine,
change the spark plug, etc.. I event went for a major overhaul (it was
expensive!). But still, the problem was not solved. But I kept on using it
because it was very convenience especially during rainy season. I do not have
to worry very much about wetting my trousers and boots. I do have to put on the
rain coat when the rain gets really heavy! But only if it gets heavy…………
And the fuel consumption gets worse also!
So it went on for thousands of kilometers………………..
Until I went to the mechanic again last week…... I just need
to change the engine oil, but I mentioned the problem again.
He tested the Nouvo and suggested to remove the air filter
and run another round. He came back with a smile and ask me to test it myself.
An yes…… the problem solved. No jerking at any speed. Cruising or accelerating.
Perghhh…. I was so happy.
He said, it is the carburetor’s diaphragm. It is not badly
damaged but the part was weakened at it could not function properly when the
air filter was installed. It need to be replaced. But meanwhile I get to try it
without the air filter first because the part was not readily available.
So now, I am riding without an air filter and it is smooth.
It is like discovering the scoot al over again. I am going to replace the part
soon but meanwhile, I am enjoying my ride again…… yesssssss…………………..
And now, even the fuel consumption has improved by a