Monday, May 9, 2011

Belting almost broken!

It was Saturday when I decide to bring back the Nouvo LC to the shop where I bought it. Overall it was okay but there was some jerking when I tried to accelerate. There was also a disturbing clicking sound at the rear when I hit a bump.

When they opened up the drive belt, I found that the belt was almost broken. It was just a matter of time. I mention it to the Taukeh and they agree to replace it.

When completed and while doing some testing, I found that the rear wheels was not round. I wobble at one side. I quickly ask them to repair it. But it was late and I have to leave the bike there.

Yesterday I picked it up. Yes, there was an improvement on the stability and the vibration level. But the jerking ....... I think it is still there.... Ehmmm... I'll test it again this afternoon.

With the new drive belt.... no change in acceleration or top speed. But I do feel more confident......

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